Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Food theraphy

Shopping used to be my theraphy...whenever I feel down, depressed, stress with my work. But I can't afford shopping anymore. Money is another issue. But Alhamdulillah. .I'm thankful for all the rezeki from Allah.

But anyway...I found out that cooking is a theraphy. Tak kira lah masak sardin ke nasi goreng...janji boleh makan. And hubby really really like my nasi goreng minced beef. Simple kan but it just made my day.

Semalam buat bread pudding...lepas siap x fikir langsung pasal my work. Puas hati and happy everybody enjoy makan.

I think I discover another part of myself...who enjoys cooking. Enjoy tak semestinya pandai...recipe boleh tanya mr. Google.

Here's the picture of my bread pudding. Mama's recipe. If you ask me mana custard mmg x ada. My recipe x perlu makan with custard. Sedap as it is. (Sgt confident kata sedap tapi memang sedap pon) hehe

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