Thursday, October 17, 2013

DIY: Honey Oatmeal Mask

I've been having really sensitive skin. Last week I went for facial and my beautician said that my skin is sensitive. She suggested/recommended Calming Mask to ease the redness.

Instead of spending money, I decided to make my own mask. So I googled and tadaa...Honey Oatmeal Mask.

I have issues eating oat...and yet complaining about my weight. Haha. So, untuk mengelakkan pembaziran kita gunakan bahan2 sediada.

I really love. It smells and tastes so good and sooooo easy. Refer to the picture. Walllaaaa

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The best eyeliner

This is all based on my very own experience. Am not a professional make up artist or socialite (haha) but I just got to share this.
I really like Silkygirl Hi-Definition Gel Eyeliner Pen..the best eyeliner for. It has this smooth texture..well it is a gel eyeliner right. Perfect for someone like me...not good applying gel eyeliner. Easy peasy. Not messy at all.

Eyeliner is my must have make up item. Just got to have this.

The price...less than RM20. Suitable for bargain shopper like me. Haha. Seriously best gilerrrr.

Happy girl I am.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Food theraphy

Shopping used to be my theraphy...whenever I feel down, depressed, stress with my work. But I can't afford shopping anymore. Money is another issue. But Alhamdulillah. .I'm thankful for all the rezeki from Allah.

But anyway...I found out that cooking is a theraphy. Tak kira lah masak sardin ke nasi goreng...janji boleh makan. And hubby really really like my nasi goreng minced beef. Simple kan but it just made my day.

Semalam buat bread pudding...lepas siap x fikir langsung pasal my work. Puas hati and happy everybody enjoy makan.

I think I discover another part of myself...who enjoys cooking. Enjoy tak semestinya pandai...recipe boleh tanya mr. Google.

Here's the picture of my bread pudding. Mama's recipe. If you ask me mana custard mmg x ada. My recipe x perlu makan with custard. Sedap as it is. (Sgt confident kata sedap tapi memang sedap pon) hehe

Friday, March 15, 2013

My LaproCystStroy


I recently had Laproscopy. A procedure to remove cyst in my ovary. When I first found out I had cyst, my gynae said the size of my cyst is about 3.5 cm but he suggested to removed it. After the procedure they found out that actually the cervical erosion is quite bad. My endometriosis is at Stage IV! I didn't know that there are stages of cyst. Alhamdulillah everything is OK now. In sha Allah.

My family and close friends asked me how and when I found out I had cyst, how I had the courage to went to gynae and all. Well, last year I kept getting 'sign' or petunjuk or maybe my instinct....I dunno but last year I came across a lot of article in magazines, newspaper and internet about infertility and women's health and it made me worried about myself. Then I read somewhere "If seorang wanita berkahwin umur 30 ke atas dan tidak mengandung dalam masa setahun, both husband and wife should check tahap kesuburan". So, we've been married for almost a year (at that time) and no sign of pregnancy. I told my husband if after 1 year still no sign pregnancy, we should go and check. He agreed.

So I called Klinik Dr. Hamid Arshat around October/November 2012 and the available date was in Feb 2013. (Yup he's the best gynae of cos susah nak jumpa kan?! The date was just nice right after our Umrah trip. Alhamdulillah...berkat doa depan Kaabah, dapat detect early and terus dapat date for operation. Allah knows what best for us, right?

Let me share you my story and what I read/know about ovarian cyst. Do you know that there are several types of cyst? What are the symptoms? Every women has cyst. Most cyst are harmless. Here's the definition from Wikipedia : -

An ovarian cyst is any collection of fluid, surrounded by a very thin wall, within an ovary. Any ovarian follicle that is larger than about two centimeters is termed an ovarian cyst. Such cysts range in size from as small as a pea to larger than an orange.
Most ovarian cysts are functional in nature and harmless (benign).
Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages. They occur most often, however, during a woman's childbearing years.
Some ovarian cysts cause problems, such as bleeding and pain. Surgery may be required to remove cysts larger than 5 centimeters in diameter.
Type of ovarian cyst : -
i)   Follicular Cyst
ii)  Corpus Luteal Cyst
iii) Hemorhagic Cyst
iv) Ruptured Ovarian Cyst
v)  Endometriotic Cyst of Ovary  - darah kotor merosak ovari, saluran fallapio dan rahim.
v)  Dermoid Cyst - this one yang usually ada rambut, gigi or tulang.

So the one I had is no (v)...maybe dah lama in my body...all the darah-darah kotor yang tidak habis keluar from your body sejak dari awal period. We never know what happen inside our body right?!

For details of other type of cyst, kindly refer to Dato' Dr. Hamid Arshat's blog.

I seriously did not know that I had cyst because all this while I thought menses cramp I have is normal...unlike my colleague she always has major period pain yang sangat-sangat sakit. So, I googled the symptoms to check whether I neglected what my body tried to tell me. (the reds are mine)
  • Dull aching, or severe, sudden, and sharp pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen (one or both sides), pelvis, vagina, lower back, or thighs; pain may be constant or intermittent—this is the most common symptom - Yup, lower back pain.
  • Fullness, heaviness, pressure, swelling, or bloating in the abdomen - Yup, bloated usually few days before my period.
  • Breast tenderness - Aha aha (nodding)
  • Pain during or shortly after beginning or end of menstrual period. - Pain BEFORE begining of menstrual period. 
  • Irregular periods, or abnormal uterine bleeding or spotting - Nope
  • Change in frequency or ease of urination (such as inability to fully empty the bladder), or difficulty with bowel movements due to pressure on adjacentpelvic anatomy Nope
  • Weight gain - Guilty!!! Kata orang sedap makan lepas kahwin...ada teman. (Alasan sangat)
  • Nausea or vomiting - Nope
  • Fatigue - Lately ada rasa extra penat and sleepy esp during menses.
  • Infertility - Obviously la sign of pregnancy in a year.
  • Increased level of hair growth -  I don't think so.
  • Increased facial hair or body hair Nope nope
  • Headaches - OMG...most of the time.
  • Strange pains in ribs, which feel muscular - No
  • Bloating - Bloated tummmy, full of wind esp before menses
  • Strange nodules that feel like bruises under the layer of skin No

Additional (taken from Dr. Hamid's blog) : -

a. Setiap wanita samada sudah kahwin atau belum yang mengalami tanda2 berikut:
Senggugut yang teruk khususnya yang memelukan penawar sakit atau painkiller. Kesakitan ini mungkin berlaku disebelah depan atau ari2 dan juga juga disertai sakit pinggang. Sakit ini mungkin dirasai sebelum dan selepas haid dan mungkin juga berlarutan. Kesakitan ketika mengadakan hubungan seksual dengan suami.

b. Wanita yang sukar hamil setelah satu tahun kahwin dan telah mencuba untuk hamil setelah memahami kaedah2 waktu subur. Bagi wanita yang lambat kahwin iaitu selepas umur 30 tahun perlu jumpa pakar sakitpuan setelah gagal untuk hamil selama 6 bulan.

c. Wanita yang mengalami keguguran diperingkat awal kandungan khususnya pada 3 bulan pertama kehamilan. Kalau kandungan berlaku berulang2 kali ia patut tampil jumpa pakar sakitpuan untuk menjalani beberapa ujian untuk mengesan punca keguguran.

d. Wanita yang mengalami perdarahan yang banyak dan berpanjangan, sama ada disertai dengan kesakitan atau tidak dan khususnya mereka yang dalam lingkungan umur 40an keatas.

Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages. They occur most often, however, during a woman's childbearing years. - I think our body dah ready to have a baby but we either belum kahwin lagi or lewat kahwin. So betul la my brother said he read somewhere in infosihat kot, wanita above 30 y o and belum pernah beranak prone to cyst.

I answered yes to most of the symptoms. I did not listen to my body. Please people  please please listen to your body. If you feel something wrong, go and checked. Especially those "wanita berkerjaya" dan masih single or berkahwin umur 30 y o like yours truly. Bukan menakutkan but "prevention is better than to cure". Medical expenses are costly these day. I'm lucky I have my employee benefits and personal insurance. And those yang belum ada Medical Insurance, invest sedikit for your own good. Find a good agent, someone you can trust. I can recommend one if you want.

So that My LaproCystStory. I hope my story benefits whoever reads my blog. Lastly, my advise to ma ladies...listen to your body. I'm sorry if my facts are incorrect, it's just based on my own experience. I am not a doctor yo...whatdya' expect. 

I will share more about what to eat, dos and don't in my next post. In sha Allah. Till then, take care.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

How I Hate My Flabby Arms

I have issues when somebody touch my arms...flabby. Whenever somebody touch my arms...satu perasaan yang amat tidak best because they can feel the gebuness of my lengan yang amat macho. I read somewhere, if kita cubit lengan kita dan ukuran cubitan itu melebihi 2cm bermakna kita terlebih muatan berat badan. And of course mine sangatlah overnya. Hahaha

My problem is bila I put on weight, the fatS will go to my thigh, tummy and arms! Macam-macam yang saya beli to get rid of the gebuness of my arms as well as my peha dan perut such as dumbell (2lbs) from Avon, arm sharper, Pati Halia Mustajab la Yusmira Celebrity's Choice Bio Essence...tapi kalau tidak rajin tidak lah gunanya.

Nways, this is another workout video I found on YouTube..."Slim & Sexy Arms". I just used my 2lbs dumbbells. Walaupun orang cakap ringan sangat, tapi suruh orang tu buat macam dalam video ni...terasa ok! Let's get our slim and sexy arms. Woot!Woot!

Cetry buat dulu...tengok...but obviously the model memang dah kurus kan...tapi nawaitu untuk mengecilkan lengan dah ada...insyaAllah boleh. Malaysia boleh! Eh?!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hanya 10 minit Shake Your Booty. Good Workout

Wow! Sudah lama tak mengupdate my blog. Anyway, this is just a short update. Something good to share with those yang nak kurangkan berat badan (shed those fats). Nak pegi gym tp x ada bajet, nak pegi jogging x ada here's something yang u can try at home. A workout by Tiffany Rothe.

i) Warm Up 

ii) Shake Your Booty baybehhh

iii) Bikini Abs Workout

iii) Sexy Back

Btw, I'm tring to lose 10 - 15 kgs. Bak kata kawan baikku "ko nak hilangkan sekampit beras dari badan ko...utk kita yg pemakan ni...suka makan?!"

Oh that's a challege. It's not like I want to lose all that in 1 least 3 months...dapat 5kg pon bersyukur...if 15kgs it's a bonus. InsyaAllah.

Ok. jom kita try exercise wooo. I did yesterday (vids #2) and today sakit pinggang...mungkin berkesan if buat secara rutin. According to Tiffany Rothe, a  combo of 10mins Booty Shaking, Sexy Back & Bikini Abs for at least 4 days a week to get good result. So, let's do this peeps. Sangat fun!

p/s: Those in the video tidaklah skinny tidaklah rasa stress tgk body mereka.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sophie Paris: Asia’s Largest Fashion Direct Selling Company

SOPHIE PARIS Malaysia is a 100% foreign direct invested company with its corporate office located at C-01, PJX-HM Shah Tower, No.16A, Persiaran Barat, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, next to Amcorp Mall and Taman Jaya Putraline LRT Station. The 9,000 square feet extended space and state-of-the-art office are well-designed and functional for the purpose of corporate operation, flagship store, business talk and definitely a fantabulous place for the latest trendy fashion shows to take place.

The unique range of French-designed and well-priced bags, wallets, watches and accessories have wasted no time in capturing the imagination of Malaysia's fashionistas, and, we pledge that you will certainly be a SOPHIE-holic as you browse through our fantastic catalogue!

If you love fashion and trends, would like to earn extra income, and of course, have fun — SOPHIE is the SOLUTION for you! You can join the growing SOPHIE Family and become one of our numerous success stories here in the Malaysia.

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If you are interested to start your own Sophie Paris business, please do email me at or sms/whatsapp/call me 012-3399744.