Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hanya 10 minit Shake Your Booty. Good Workout

Wow! Sudah lama tak mengupdate my blog. Anyway, this is just a short update. Something good to share with those yang nak kurangkan berat badan (shed those fats). Nak pegi gym tp x ada bajet, nak pegi jogging x ada here's something yang u can try at home. A workout by Tiffany Rothe.

i) Warm Up 

ii) Shake Your Booty baybehhh

iii) Bikini Abs Workout

iii) Sexy Back

Btw, I'm tring to lose 10 - 15 kgs. Bak kata kawan baikku "ko nak hilangkan sekampit beras dari badan ko...utk kita yg pemakan ni...suka makan?!"

Oh that's a challege. It's not like I want to lose all that in 1 least 3 months...dapat 5kg pon bersyukur...if 15kgs it's a bonus. InsyaAllah.

Ok. jom kita try exercise wooo. I did yesterday (vids #2) and today sakit pinggang...mungkin berkesan if buat secara rutin. According to Tiffany Rothe, a  combo of 10mins Booty Shaking, Sexy Back & Bikini Abs for at least 4 days a week to get good result. So, let's do this peeps. Sangat fun!

p/s: Those in the video tidaklah skinny tidaklah rasa stress tgk body mereka.

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