Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Pink Pamper Party

The Pink Pamper Party which was held on 22 October 2011 at Tropicana Medical Centre, Kota Damansara is a charity event in support of Breast Cancer Awareness and to raise funds for the National Cancer Malaysia. Organized by Tropicana Medical Centre Kota Damansara, Curves, AVON and PEKA. It was a "girlie" event : manicure, pedicure, threading, waxing, massage, lucky draw, games (best dressed and FANCIEST BRA!), ZUMBA (it was FUN!!!), breast examination tips ... and of course health talk.

Well, I did not win anything (not lucky enough for the lucky draw) but I had so much fun with my girlfriends. Here's the proof! =)

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